
café culture

Photography by Germany-based Kathrin Koschitzki
who "after her diploma in photography,  
moved to Paris to learn the trade of French pâtisserie 
and take walks along the Quai St. Martin." 

Doesn't sound too bad at all... 


Alexandra said...

Gorgeous images, I love the old world feel...

michele said...

the design on the register! ahhhhhhh.

have a lovely new week.


Anci said...

And it looks lovely ! I wanna go there. Now !!


Krista said...

Täällä on aina niin ihana piipahtaa. Kiitos R kun jaat näitä ihanuuksia!

Veronica Roth said...

Love the photos Rebecca. You know what? I live in the best coffee culture country, the west coast of Canada, in Vancouver, where the coffee culture is so strong, but I don't like the taste of coffee at all. But I do love tea. Oh, funny story: My French friend Danielle came to visit me in Vancouver and we walked to Starbucks and I ordered my tea and her an espresso. We got it and I said "ok, come on let's go for a walk", and she was horrified that people walk with their coffee instead of sitting down to it like in France. Lol.

Rebecca / Sanctuary said...

Yes, me too...
Give me this type of ambience over a super trendy café any day.

Rebecca / Sanctuary said...

Like a gem...
A shiny, happy week to you, too, x

Rebecca / Sanctuary said...

Let's meet there for a coffee :).
(In fact I did a bit of detective work
and most of these are from Wohnzimmer in Berlin, ,
jotting it down for future reference. )

Rebecca / Sanctuary said...

Puhdas, suuri ilo rakas Krista :)

Rebecca / Sanctuary said...

Sounds like a coffee cat like me would be as happy as can be in your neck of the woods...
These culture differences can make life pretty interesting :) .
Maybe we should meet up in some wonderful tea room instead! x

