
crème à la crème

After our trip, the rest of the family disappeared

and a silence fell on these rooms.

A soft landing back to work,

time for my study assignments,

long walks,

catching up on sleep,

having my girls round last night.

Velvety August nights,

Eva Dahlgren playing non-stop.

P.S. You can listen to the same song in English here

- goes straight to my soul.


Reissun jälkeen muu perhe kaikkosi vielä

ja nämä huoneet hiljenivät. 

Pehmeä töihin paluu,

aikaa koulutehtäville,

pitkille kävelylenkeille,

univajeen kurottamiselle,

lomilta palanneiden ystävien kestinnälle. 

Tummenevat illat kuin linnunmaitoa,

Eva Dahlgren soinut taukoamatta.


Anci said...

I need to find new words for what I think of your photos ! They are so nice, gorgeous, soft and calm. I love the white in them !


Burlap Luxe said...

I love all that one could imagin over here.

It's all so peacefully inspiring a love of all whites.



Seawashed said...

Beautiful Rebecca. xx

HWIT BLOGG said...

I love that song....

Bien chiné said...

Like a dream, Rebecca...Thouse of your house are always my favorites.

Anonymous said...

That is the most sublime song...transported me to heaven as do your photographs.
Love your blog.
liz xx Australia

Rebecca Skye Watson said...

♥ Anci !

There's just something about whites...

Rebecca Skye Watson said...

Beautifully said Doré,

thank you ♥ !

Rebecca Skye Watson said...

♡ ♡ ♡ !

Rebecca Skye Watson said...

I've had a long break from listening to Eva Dahlgren,
but for some reason since we came back
she's all I've been listening to.
That song feels like more than a song,
so delicate and powerful at the same time, x

Rebecca Skye Watson said...

Thank you Nines ♡ !

Kisses and hugs back, x

Rebecca Skye Watson said...

Thank you so much, liz, x
The same happened to me with that song,
straight to my soul.

